Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The last two days have been a little better. As you know, Drake had a major meltdown on Monday. Without going into details, he said and did things that I never thought he would say or do. Then, he went to sleep, he woke up the next morning a different child. It was as if some horrible monster had taken over our child and then left him alone all within an hours time. On Tuesday morning he was back to Drake. The hard part is, we weren't the same parents and Addison wasn't the same. We had witnessed a very dangerous crisis less than 12 hours prior and we were still in shock!! Addison has been through things in the past few months that will certainly affect her in the future. Jamey and I sat up the majority of the night crying and trying to rationalize a very irrational and volatile situation. We saw the doctor today and hopefully some things will get better from here on out, but I am aware that this is a very bumpy roller coaster and I wish someone would stop it and let me and my family get off!!!!!!!

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