Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tough Days

Drake has been having a hard time over the last few days, but we can still see improvement since all of this started. In December he was at the peak of his symptoms, begging for help and not eating and terrified to go to school! As I look back on those days, I am thankful to be where I am today. At the same time it is still a struggle and I don't know that this will get better soon. He is learning some new coping skills and he is able to talk about it now and I heard him say for the first time yesterday that he has OCD. My mom was talking to him and telling him that his cousin also has OCD, and he smiled! He called her and talked to her about it and said, " you know I have OCD too" It has really helped to see shows about ocd and to know someone with OCD, he doesn't feel all alone in this struggle. His tourettes seems to be getting worse. He has a new tic now (constant blinking) and his motor tic is showing up more and more. I am really anxious about the new school year for so many reasons! I am ready to get past these next couple of weeks and get him settled into 2nd grade and back in the routine that makes him comfortable! My baby girl, Addison also starts 4k in September!!! They are growing so fast, and I don't like it!

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