Monday, September 21, 2009


I am so frustrated right now!! I spent most of the summer worrying about Drake's teacher and starting his 504 plan, that's taken care of. Now he is not doing well academically at all in school. He is failing every test so far, he is not wanting to go to school, he is crying and clinging to me and they are having to peel him off of me. I emailed his teacher to see what we can do and I spoke with the guidance counselor this morning and she mentioned him being evaluated. He is behind in reading which seems to be most of the problem, and I can't seem to get him motivated to do anything!! I can deal with the 504, but I don't want to be pushed into anything else because he is very intelligent but OCD is really keeping him from doing what he needs to do. What do I do?????? I have to work full time of I would pull him out and home school him right away, but I don't know that I wouldn't be hurting him further!! There has got to be another solution.


  1. Oh Angel...I am so sorry that Drake doesn't love school. I just was in an IEP meeting today with a child that has Tourettes. We discussed how hard it is to focus when you are focusing on keeping your tics under control. Do you think that is the issue? Does he stay focused...could there be some attention issues? Don't be afraid of getting him evaluated at school but see your doctor first and talk with him. Is he in therapy? Keep all your options open. You can get through this!! :)

  2. I think that he is in fact having a hard time focusing, and he does work very hard all day just to control his ocd and tourettes. His teacher is going to start trying some different things and we are going to meet soon. There has been so much to process since the diagnosis! I do feel a little better now about an evaluation and even an IEP if needeed.
