Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Breaking My Heart!!!

Okay, so why is it that everytime I think we are making progress and doing better we have major issues over and over!!! Drake is breaking my heart right now and I am so frustrated and at a loss for solutions that I am about to have a major breakdown myself!!! Lately, I can't come to my own house after a long day and relax! Drake wants to play wii, play outside, play with the neighbor, play soccer in the house, go, go, go!! It's not that this gets on my nerves but it's that when we tell him no, he freaks out and cries and throws a fit and yells and screams and tries his very best to talk us into it by constantly screaming please. I know that this sounds like a normal tantrum, but believe me when I say that it is not!! I understand that there is so much going on in his head and that he mentally and physically runs from the OCD all day, but what do Ido!!!! We have tried so much and I don't really know what to do!! I know that I am rambling, I am just so confused and having a hard day!!!

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