Monday, July 13, 2009

Day with Doctors

Today, Drake had an appointment with his behavior therapist and his psychiatrist, and a work in visit at the pediatrician for a fever and body aches that started yesterday. To say the least, it was both a good and bad day. The behavior therapist was first, and Drake was having some problems with the fact that he was going to go to the doctor. It was good that he was having this meltdown because the therapist saw first hand how he is dealing with his OCD. Drake is starting to get comfortable with his therapist so I am thankful for that. The next trip was to talk about his meds. I was relieved to find out that some of the behavior (restlessness, need to stay busy) was a side affect to his medication. So now we are lowering the dose and adding another med to knock the edge off of the aggravation, aggression. This was a huge relief! I told both doctors that we are barely functioning and I didn't know how we would make it through another week. In addition to his behavior, we are starting to notice that Addison gets really quiet and observes a lot of what is going on during the breakdowns. I think that the blessing in all of this is the fact that Jamey (my husband) is starting to acknowledge that Drake has OCD/TS. I learned in one of the books that I had to acknowledge the diagnosis first and then accept the diagnosis. I think I am just starting to accept and Jamey has made the big step of acknowledgement. I am sure that this is very hard to do for a father about his son. Now we are all making small steps to help Drake help himself and that is the most important thing.

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