Monday, August 31, 2009

School Time

Ok, so things are slowly calming down around the Yates household! Drake starts 2nd grade tomorrow and Addison starts 4 K- Yipee!!! I can't believe how quickly time has gone by since Jamey and I started our family a little over 7 years ago! I met with the administration and Drake's teacher on Thurs the 27th, and we put everything in place for his 504 plan. Everything went really good and I really like his teacher this year. I think that she really loves teaching and can get her point across at the same time. She asked a lot of questions and seemed to really want to know as much as possible before starting this year with Drake. He then met her that evening at open house and he likes her as much as I did. So far we haven't had a tough time this week and it is usually tough for Drake when he is about to go through some sort of change, either good or bad!! I think we are all ready for 2nd grade!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I was just about to post about how things seem to be better!!So much for that! Drake had another meltdown tonight, although I must say that it wasn't as severe as the last one. He did try several times to hit me, and then made himself sick. I am meeting with the teacher in the morning. I can only hope that getting back into a schedule will help! I really don't know what to do now, other than just take it day by day. Usually I would have plenty to say, but I am speechless right now! I am trying to take all of this in and evaluate and see where we go from here!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The last two days have been a little better. As you know, Drake had a major meltdown on Monday. Without going into details, he said and did things that I never thought he would say or do. Then, he went to sleep, he woke up the next morning a different child. It was as if some horrible monster had taken over our child and then left him alone all within an hours time. On Tuesday morning he was back to Drake. The hard part is, we weren't the same parents and Addison wasn't the same. We had witnessed a very dangerous crisis less than 12 hours prior and we were still in shock!! Addison has been through things in the past few months that will certainly affect her in the future. Jamey and I sat up the majority of the night crying and trying to rationalize a very irrational and volatile situation. We saw the doctor today and hopefully some things will get better from here on out, but I am aware that this is a very bumpy roller coaster and I wish someone would stop it and let me and my family get off!!!!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Major Setback

Just when we thought that things were starting to get a little tolerable, the bottom falls out! Today was a very good day and everything seemed ok, until tonight! I won't go into great detail, but it was the scariest temper tantrum yet! I don't know what to do, there is no rational explanation. I am terrified of what may happen next! We were just at the therapist today and he really seemed to be making progress!!!! Do we only make progress to fall flat on our face? THIS IS TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tough Days

Drake has been having a hard time over the last few days, but we can still see improvement since all of this started. In December he was at the peak of his symptoms, begging for help and not eating and terrified to go to school! As I look back on those days, I am thankful to be where I am today. At the same time it is still a struggle and I don't know that this will get better soon. He is learning some new coping skills and he is able to talk about it now and I heard him say for the first time yesterday that he has OCD. My mom was talking to him and telling him that his cousin also has OCD, and he smiled! He called her and talked to her about it and said, " you know I have OCD too" It has really helped to see shows about ocd and to know someone with OCD, he doesn't feel all alone in this struggle. His tourettes seems to be getting worse. He has a new tic now (constant blinking) and his motor tic is showing up more and more. I am really anxious about the new school year for so many reasons! I am ready to get past these next couple of weeks and get him settled into 2nd grade and back in the routine that makes him comfortable! My baby girl, Addison also starts 4k in September!!! They are growing so fast, and I don't like it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Little Progress

I wish I could say that we are making huge improvements in living with OCD/Ts, but that would not be true. We are making small steps, Drake is slowly learning to cope with the things that haunt him and we are learning how to help him daily. He still has this determination to go nonstop, but he is learning that some quiet time isn't all that bad either! I am looking forward to school starting and the routine, but I am also very nervous about how things are going to change! The thought of him struggling through school both academically and socially is heartbreaking to me, especially since he is so smart and so caring and fun to be around! So, I have scheduled meetings with school counselors and teachers and to try come up with a list of things that will make his time in the class easier for him and his teacher. I have hope that this year will be a good one!